Let Me Introduce Myself

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, retired US Army Colonel, university professor, international speaker and teacher, and author, now a Marriage and Family Life Consultant for the US Military.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Off and Running

This new assignment in this newest of years is different. Marines seek counsel and their leaders encourage it. New thought. If Marines, who are the toughest of the tough, who fear no enemy in combat, if they seek counsel because they know it is good for them, where does that leave the rest of the country? I guess there are long waiting lists at counselors all over the country. People must be working hard at keeping appointments and not letting someone else get their coveted time and day with the therapist. I guess not. But it would be good. There is always room for growth and talking about my life with a professional listener would be good for any of us. Dr. D.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year New Start?

Almost everyone looks at the new year as a chance to start over. Problem is the new year isn't new after a few weeks or even only a few days. Starting over is something we decide. Looking squarely at those things that are in our way and setting a plan to remove them. And it doesn't matter if it is health, weight, exercise, school, parenting and the list is probably as individual as individuals are. You know that the treadmills that are purchased for Christmas will be sold at spring yard sales. Was it the New Year's problem? The equipment's? Maybe our own resolve to actually solve a problem the treadmill was supposed to do. So think about it. We can start over anytime, New Year ... or not! Dr. D.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holidays Upon Us

Friends: I just left my final assignment for this year at Fort Bragg. I have information that suggests I'll be at Fort Bragg a lot next year. Before then, I will join the Marines at Camp LeJeune, NC for a few weeks just after Christmas. UNTIL THEN, I will be taking a much needed vacation. Check back in the new year. Dr. D.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Resilient Soliders & Us

One amazing thing about Soldiers and US, too, is that even in very tragic circumstances we continue. Even Soldiers at Ft Hood, went back to work THE SAME DAY! Yes, with heartbreak and fear, they went back to work. I went back to work. You watched the horrible scenes at Ft Hood, the fear, the death, the fractures. And you kept working. You cooked, you picked up the kids, you called your spouse, you went to dinner, to church, to other activities. Kids went to school the next day, took exams, did homework. How, in the face of such terror can they, we do that? God has made us resilient. We can do it because we are made with a strong sense of self and we have the capacity to live beyond our immediate circumstances. Think about it. There are plenty of things to worry us, but we ignore them. We "Soldier" on. Dr. D.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sure, I got it all together?

I think that no matter how much you think you have finally arrived at a good place in your life; you feel confident; you feel hopeful; I'm not sure we ever really have it all together. So, there she was trying to balance her life between her husband's request for a divorce, anger, fear, sorrow and her determination that she will recover; she will get a new life; and she will begin again -- that is if he does not agree to restart their marriage which she wants with all her heart. All the skill and compassion I have is tested at these moments. I don't have it all together anymore as I listen, encourage, understand. It's not my marriage and I fear that I may say the wrong thing or miss something she is telling me. She leaves encouraged and hopeful. I remain wondering if I did what was the right thing to do. Dr. D.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Weather

There is a problem with this wonderful cooler weather, 45 at night 68 in the day. The problem it is a sign that winter is around the corner. Don't like winter, even in NC. Sound foolish? Yes, it is foolish to give up a wonderful day because winter is next. It is not that one can certainly enjoy the winter. It is that this wonderful Fall day will go without the joy that it can bring. Oh, Wait. Doing that with other things? Skip the joy of today because of worry about the future? Maybe you are doing that with the past -- skip the joy of today because of worry about the past. Enjoy the day. It may be the secret to the happy life. Dr. D.