Let Me Introduce Myself

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, retired US Army Colonel, university professor, international speaker and teacher, and author, now a Marriage and Family Life Consultant for the US Military.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Price of Freedom

I will not be political, promise. I'm not talking about the military budget, or how large our armed forces are or should be. I'm not talking about the cost of equipment or the cost of our current battles. I'm not even talking about those who paid the ultimate sacrifice or who have been permanently injured in an act of war. I'm talking about the walking wounded -- a label given to those who are physically fine, but pay the price of military service in other ways. You cannot imagine how many children grow up with one parent deployed so much. So much separation. You cannot imagine how many spouses have to "go it alone" so that their partner can serve admirably. You can only imagine how many families and marriages pay the price through separation and divorce and unfaithfulness and disloyalty. It breaks your heart. If you are not part of the military, then thank God that you can go home tonight after work and repair whatever it is that has been hurting your marriage, your family. Someone is paying the price so that you can do that. Spend that price wisely. Dr. D.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Changing Weather

Well, it's HOT, HOT, HOT at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX. I was diverted here to attend to airman needs. Stay flexible and remember the weather always changes. So, if the weather always changes, I guess we ought not to hitch our wagons to the weather. If we needed pleasant weather to live thriving lives, I suppose most of us would not. Things change, not just the weather. Not just new places and people, but the folks who are closest to us change too. Resisting that we are different today than we once were or trying to keep others from changing is like trying to hold back the rain when it's raining. Not too cool an idea. So warm or cold, summer or winter, people change, circumstances change, but we love intently just the same. Instead of focusing on what is different focus of the foundational love. Dr. D.