Let Me Introduce Myself

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, retired US Army Colonel, university professor, international speaker and teacher, and author, now a Marriage and Family Life Consultant for the US Military.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Where does the Time Go?

Can't believe it's been a week since my last entry. You might have lots of thoughts about that. You may think I don't care about it. You could think that I just got too busy. You might think that I just lost track of time. But the truth is that technology got the better of me. The internet connections I have (well, had) were so poor that I either could not log on or it took forever to do so or when I got there it would not allow me to post. That is somewhat fixed now. But what is learned here is that if you would have come to some conclusion about me because of this week's absence you might more likely be wrong that right. Guessing what motivates others can have the same effect in our relationships. Check it out is a better way. You can say "here's what I think about what you've done. What is your thinking on it?" That way you get to say what's worrying you and you offer to listen to what has motivated the other person. Life is a lot better that way. Dr. D.