Let Me Introduce Myself

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, retired US Army Colonel, university professor, international speaker and teacher, and author, now a Marriage and Family Life Consultant for the US Military.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Changing Plans

Well, I had great plans for today. But the weather is not cooperating. Can't work outdoors, so maybe I'll clean up the garage --- again! No remorse because I can't control the weather. This happens to us in families all the time --- plans that must be changed. There are two things that must be done when plans must change. First, be flexible. Be ready to do something else. I know there are non-spontaneous folks out there, but in these situations not having a plan when the plan fails is not a big deal. Do something else and involve everyone (if possible) who were to be involved in the first place. But sometimes a new plan is not possible. Then Second, plan a "make up day" just like "snow days" when school hours must be made up on another day. Consider that the "make up day" is required because the family event, plan, could not happen and therefore relationships were not enhanced. If it was a picnic, choose the day when it will be made up. Mark it with a red circle. Put a note on the refrigerator door. Create a count down to the make up day. You'll have rescued the lost day, event, or special time.

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