Let Me Introduce Myself

I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, retired US Army Colonel, university professor, international speaker and teacher, and author, now a Marriage and Family Life Consultant for the US Military.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where have I been all my life

Someone posted a question on this blog. Are you the guy ... and recalled a military assignment I had almost 30 years ago. Well, I was that guy back then. I'm not that guy now. Time has a way of softening the edges and changing the person we are. Having children changes the parents. Getting older changes the person. I do remember that guy and sometimes I read what he (ok "I") wrote and look over pictures when I was young and our children were, well, children. Sometimes it is a good idea to look over the years and see "where you've been all your life." Dr. D.

Wounded Soldiers

Twice a week my responsibilities include being available to wounded soldiers. It would break your heart. There are many men and women who have head injuries and they are not returning to 100 percent after months of treatment. They appear to be just fine on the outside, but the brain damage is clear. We are taking care of them, but you can see the fear in their eyes and their voices as they anticipate a future of moderate dependency. And most of them are in their early 20's and may have had more than one year deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Ya gotta love em. It is my honor to walk along side of them for just awhile. Some have become my friends and I talk with them several times a week as I serve in various settings here at Fort Bragg, NC. Dr. D.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Adventure Continues

Hey, EVERY adventure continues. We learn about one another everyday. We meet new people. We have new challenges, even if they are the same old challenges! For me, there are new adventures every day. Mowing the lawn; helping others; meeting new soldiers; finding new avenues to serves; working with other care providers; learning new things; putting together tables and chairs. What about you? Is your adventure on going? Are you looking forward to each new day? Are the customers, people, business partners, church members, leaders you serve new every day, even when they are the same people? Try looking forward to each day in the way I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I've got soldiers to meet; soldiers to help and I'm looking forward to it. You? Dr. D.